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Tank attack.
The tank copes by buttons of a direction.
Turn of a gun - button Z and C
The moving of a field is carried out with the help of a red rectangular on a map,
at the pressed left button of the mouse.

The purpose of game - destruction of a staff, however can be and other missions. It is necessary to destroy guns and tanks of the opponent not getting under their fire.

The various obstacles complicate performance of mission.

  • Sand, the hills, sand slow down a course.
  • The river can be crossed in ford or on the bridge.
  • The rocks or rich wood can only be gone round, through them it is impossible to shoot.
  • On a mine field it is possible to be undermined.
  • Is there are repair bases and items of supply by shells.

Playing can create new levels and new missions.

Development And technical support VEGRA 2000ã.

Hosted by uCoz